Rainbow Apple Farm
(Updated May 17, 2009 -- most lambs are now SOLD)
All of our 2009 lambs have been born! I have pictures of most of the older ones, but not yet of some of the lambs born this week. All of our lambs this year are sired by Wind River Allard.
Pictured above, you see Rainbow Apple Pie (Allard X Crystal), the ewe lamb we have decided to keep for ourselves this year (SOLD -- Ok, we changed our minds).
The prices listed here are individual prices. Discounts can be given for groups.
Our 2009 Lambs are here!
Friday, May 1, 2009
To the right is Rainbow Apple Cobbler (Allard X Brenda). He is SOLD.
To the left you see Rainbow Apple Cupcake and Rainbow Apple Muffin (along with their mother, Piper). Muffin, the ram lamb, is $100. I consider him to be a good potential for breeding, and would prefer not to wether him. Cupcake, the ewe lamb, is SOLD.
Next, we have ewe twins out of Caterpillar Creek Cynthia: Rainbow Apple Strudel and Rainbow Apple Turnover. Strudel is the twin standing up straight in the picture. She is SOLD. Turnover is not for sale.
Not Pictured:
Rainbow Apple Fritter
(Ram, Allard X Gazelle) -- SOLD!
Rainbow Apple Butter: born 5/1/09
(Ewe, Allard X Gretta) -- SOLD!
We are also pleased to offer some ram lambs from Redland Farm. These were not born here, but were sired by one of our rams, Santiam Valley Duke.
The first lamb pictured to the right is Redland Buck (SOLD). His mother is Blue Mountain Bellatrix.
The second lamb is Redland Scout (SOLD). His mother is Blue Mountain Saluki.
The third picture shows all three Redland lambs. The one on the left is tentatively named Redland Lucky (SOLD).  His mother is Blue Mountain Lola.
We also have a few adults for sale. We would like to sell Santiam Valley Crystal (SOLD), Santiam Valley Duke ($100), and Massena's Gretta (SOLD). Santiam Valley Duke would match up nicely with any of the Rainbow Apple ewe lambs or with Gretta. Crystal would go nicely with Muffin.
All lambs and ewes should be ready for delivery in July. Duke could be sold any time. For pictures of Duke and Gretta, check the "Ewes" and "Rams" links at the top of the page; I will try to post some adult pictures of Duke soon, but in the meantime there are baby pictures. Please contact me for more information and for help picking out some Soay for your flock!